Lately, I've been taking a bit of heat about liking the colour pink.
My friend, Lynn, who is also a pink lover, tells me not everyone likes pink. (I know that is true because my friend Betty doesn't like pink. How on earth can that be?) There's usually a whole lot of eye rolling and tsking when I say I like something (it's most likely something pink). But pink things make me happy.
I like pink, but I don't wear it. It truly looks like
All my life I've been told that pink is unsophisticated. It's for girls. It's for old ladies. Pink is trashy. That pretty much describes me - unsophisticated, female, trashy and an old lady. So, doesn't it make sense that I
Truth be told, I also like bling - shiny, sparkly things. Even my netbook has pink flowers and faux diamonds on it.
(the rhinestones are in the centres of the flowers)
As far as I'm concerned the only thing better than pink, is more pink. Is there anything in my world that could be better than pink? Bling! What's better than bling? Pink bling. Pink bling would be the ultimate. Pink diamonds - the thought makes my heart race!
I wanted to paint the store pink - that's when Lynn burst my bubble (it was a pink bubble) and told me that thing about not everyone liking pink. So, I'm bowing to (un)popular opinion and painting the darned store a grey blue. Boooorrrrriiiiinnnnnnggggg! Pink would be so much better.
It's about time we pink lovers unite. Stand proud and wear pink! Pink with bling! Pink without bling! Pink with more pink! And let's rejoice that pink is the colour of the year for 2011. Yippee!