How Perfect is This?

Pantone has just announced its colour of the year. And it's Honeysuckle Pink! Pink! I love PINK!

Click on the screen shot to make it bigger - or go here to read the whole story. If you're not on dial up service, you can dowload the pdf that shows designs by famous designers using the colour.

The website is full of information on colour trends for home and fashion. One can spend entirely too much time there (she says knowingly from personal experience).

You can find the perfect palette for your skin and hair colouring - I think I'm Sunset (which, I think,would be a cool name for an orange cat).

It's Saturday morning...grab a cup of coffee and go the the Pantone website. Stop playing solitaire or hearts and go there - NOW. The laundry and housework can wait. Bookmark the site, sign up for their emails. Plan your wardrobe for next spring using the colour charts and guides. 

And have fun. All complaints from spouses regarding your spending too much time colour coordinating can be directed to me. I'll take care of them. By making them wear a pink scarf. That'll show 'em.


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