Happy December

2:34 am is way too early to wake up, but that's what I did today. It was actually the sound of rain on our metal roof that woke me up. Around 3, I let the dogs out. They ran to the end of the covered porch and stopped dead in their tracks. Norma Jean eventually went out into the deluge and quickly did her business; Emma just came right back into the house and started telling me off. In no uncertain terms. She demanded I  turn off the water so she could go out back and bark. Emma was very clear in pointing out she does not like rain. Snow, she likes, but rain? No!

After yapping at me for a while, Emma hightailed back to bed while I waited for NJ to come back in. I thought  I would try to get back to sleep, but that wasn't happening. Thankfully, Nettie McNetbook was laying patiently on my bedside table, so I picked her up and started googling. After reading a bunch of knitting blogs, I realized the noise hadn't abated in over an hour.  The rain hadn't let up. It's still pounding on the roof and the wind is howling.

Here's how the weather radar looked at 4 this morning. My home is where the red dot is.

What a wicked weather day. The ever so clever masterminds at Environment Canada have this to say:

Rainfall warning??? I believe  the rain is already here. According to EC, we're expecting another 25-35 mm of rain today -  that's another inch to inch and a half.

It is a dark and stormy night...thank goodness it isn't snow!


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