We are not amused!

This story starts last week when Mr Knits' oil stove (it heats his store) wasn't working properly. More correctly it wasn't working at all. Water had gotten into the oil tank and had fed its way into the burner. So water not burning well made for a chilly day or two in his side of the store. Anyway, in the process of getting it going again, soot built up on the inside of the glass door.  Being the man he is, Mr Knits took a metal blade and scraped the soot off. Right onto the floor and little rug that the Purrlicious one sleeps on when the fire is going.

Purrly Grrrl in front of the fire - note the black oil spot on her back leg?
Since the fire had been out for a few days, and Purrl was now apparently freezing to death (she told me in no uncertain terms), she was delighted to feel the warmth from the stove once again. So she rolled around and around on the floor in ecstasy. As Mr Knits must have been waiting for the cleaning lady to come  - oh that's right, we don't have one - he didn't sweep or vacuum the soot up. So there Purrl was, rolling in the SOOT! She was filthy. Mr Knits, once again being a man, thought it was funny. Me - ummm not so much. I tried to clean her, but she was grey instead of the pure white she used to be.

This morning I thought I would give Purrl a bath. She was a pretty good sport until I tried to rinse her off and then things got a little crazy, but no claws pentetrated any skin. They did however, penetrate the pillowcase I put her in after she started to squirm. The pillowcase is somewhat shredded. Unfortunately, she looks worse that she did before the bath. It seems I spread the soot around! If anyone knows how to safely remove soot from a very sad kitty, please let me know.

And note the black spot on her head. Yup - that's the soot.

Poor thing. As I was drying her with a pink fluffy towel, she was purring and giving me her little Purrly kisses. She had forgiven me for my transgressions.

I love my little white kitty. She is the best! However, I'm thinking she needs to be renamed Poily Grrrl. Suits her better right now.


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