A girl's best friend
After two months of looking - looking for the lost diamond, looking for the appraisal that we have somewhere, looking for photos of me wearing my ring - it's back!
I had no idea that our insurance covered this type of loss, and I'm so glad it did. So I'll share a little knowledge I gained from this experience. Photograph all your valuables, and if it's jewelry, be wearing it. And not just one shot of you wearing it, but several. Have appraisals of anything valuable, and keep them in a safe place. But make sure you remember where that safe place is! I'm photographing everything and putting it on my keyring USB drive. That way I will always have it with me.
I still wish I hadn't lost that danged diamond, but the new one sure is pretty!
And all I could think after looking at the photos was - when did I get my mother's wrinkly hands?
I had no idea that our insurance covered this type of loss, and I'm so glad it did. So I'll share a little knowledge I gained from this experience. Photograph all your valuables, and if it's jewelry, be wearing it. And not just one shot of you wearing it, but several. Have appraisals of anything valuable, and keep them in a safe place. But make sure you remember where that safe place is! I'm photographing everything and putting it on my keyring USB drive. That way I will always have it with me.
I still wish I hadn't lost that danged diamond, but the new one sure is pretty!
And all I could think after looking at the photos was - when did I get my mother's wrinkly hands?