Friday Night Knit Club

I've been thinking about starting a Knit Night - once a month maybe - and Friday night has been suggested as a good possibility. I checked all the last Fridays for the next year, and only one - the last Friday in July - conflicts with a long weekend. So how does that sound? The last Friday, not the fourth Friday though.  Do we want to make it a pot luck dinner affair starting at 6:00 pm or so? How about a little wine? Of course, if we make it the last  Friday, it means that the first get together would be the night before Spa Day. So perhaps for this month we could meet on the third Friday - the 19th of November, and then in January start meeting on the last Friday.

Or...Wednesday evenings are also an option. And holidays don't usually happen on a Wednesday. Plus if we meet on Wednesdays we could call ourselves the "Wednesday Night Knit club" and not worry about any copyright wank that could happen if we called ourselves the "Friday Night Knit Club".

Now, if y'all want to do it twice a month, we can do that too. The second and last Fridays?  The second and last Wednesdays? I'm game for either (or both if we need to)  if you are! Let me know you're coming, and for the first week, I'll supply the dinner. And the w(h)ine! Please email me at nancy at logcabinyarns dot com

I'm going to the States today for a little retail therapy. Mr Knits tells me Christmas is 41 days away. That is one scary thought! I should be cleaning up the shop - but that's what Tuesday is for. Watch out Salmon Run Mall, here I come!


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