New Yarn Alert
For the past little while, I've been bringing in new yarns each week - just one or two different lines at a time - instead of restocking the yarns I usually carry. This week, I placed an order for some Cascade Fixation - 26 colours to be precise - and I'm picking it up on Sunday at Estelle Yarns "open house". While not actually an open house, it is only for the trade to showcase the new yarns for spring. I love going to these little events. I get to wander around the warehouse looking at yarns I only see online or in little pieces in shade books. This way I can touch them, see the colours and decide if I like them or not. The yarn I want to check out is Frill Seeker - can't figure out how to link to this, so I shall steal the photo from their website. If you want to see the colours, click on the link I place on the phase Frill Seeker, then click on the photo of the Frill Seeker, then click on the words "Frill Seeker". That should take you to the shade page.
Back to the Fixation though. This is a mostly cotton yarn with a little bit of elastic so it is great for socks, tank tops, baby clothes, bikinis - yes I did say bikinis - and hats. There are several free patterns (including some for bikinis) on the Cascade website. So, next week, be sure to look for the new yarn. (Probably still in the boxes on the floor, as I simply don't know where I'm going to put it!)