Santa baby
Our Wednesday afternoon knitters have been making the cutest little hats to send to the Kingston General Hospital's preemie ward.
We have 24 of them completed so far! Our goal is to have 50 by December 1st. Pattern follows for your knitting pleasure. You could make them larger by increasing the amount of cast on stitches in increments of 6. If you would like to help us in this venture, please stop by and pick up some yarn.
Preemie Santa Hat
* Red Heart Cotton Twist – 1 skein each white and red. You will have enough yarn to complete at least 5 hats.
* 4 mm or #6 US knitting needles dp or circular
* 1 stitch marker
* 1 yarn needle
* 4 mm or #6 US knitting needles dp or circular
* 1 stitch marker
* 1 yarn needle
Gauge: 22 stitches to 4 inches in stockinette stitch
Pattern as written will fit a 3 - 5 lb preemie.*
This project is knit in the round. It can be knit flat and seamed if the red portion is knit in stockinette stitch – knit right side, purl wrong side.
Cast on 48 stitches using white yarn. Join carefully in the round, avoiding twisting of the stitches.
Knit in K1 P1 ribbing for 2-1/2 inches.
Change colors to red and knit each row until piece measures at least 4 inches from cast-on edge.
Begin decreasing:
Round 1: [k4, k2tog] around - 40 stitches
Round 2-6: Knit across.
Round 7: [k3, k2tog] around - 32 stitches
Round 8 – 12: Knit across
Round 13: [k2, k2tog] around - 24 stitches
Round 13: [k2, k2tog] around - 24 stitches
Round 14 – 18: Knit across
Round 19: [k1, k2tog] around - 16 stitches
Round 19: [k1, k2tog] around - 16 stitches
Round 20 – 24: Knit across
Round 25: k2tog around - 8 stitches
Round 25: k2tog around - 8 stitches
Cut yarn leaving a 6 inch tail, and run through stitches on needle, pull up tight and secure well. Sew pompon on tip of hat. If desired, top of hat can be folded down at an angle and secured well.
* K = knit
* P = purl
* K2tog = knit two stitches together
* P = purl
* K2tog = knit two stitches together
This pattern is Copyright © Log Cabin Yarns 2010, all rights reserved.
You may make a copy of this pattern for your personal use only providing this copyright notice remains intact.
Distribution by any means is not allowed without express written permission of the copyright owner.
Should you decide to ignore this copyright notice, perhaps you may not get caught, but you will most certainly anger the knitting gods and it is likely you will never achieve proper tension or ever find good yarn on sale again.
Just so you know.
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