I'm still here

And I'm still knitting the "Required Knitting" for the big yarn company. I have two finished items, one item that is 3/4's done, and one little one left to cast on. With any luck I will be finished by Monday. If not, I'll be finished Tuesday - which is March 1st.

This knitting leaves me little computer time at all - let alone blogging time. Rest assured I will be back soon. I read the funniest article about "killing" acrylic (that's the term used when an acrylic garment is blocked with heat).

And Mr Knits and I learned a new word last night on "The Big Bang Theory". It's adness. I have something to say about that too.

Several new varieties of yarn arrived this week at the shop - some Noro Yuzen, some super bulky 100% wool in the most magnificently bright colours ever - and the greatest price ever. $8.00 per 100 grams. That's half the price of Rowan Big Wool, and it's just loverly. I know there are other yarns on the floor waiting to be priced.

But I have to get this knitting done. Now!


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