Resolutions? Nah...I know I won't follow through!

But, here are some of the things I would like to accomplish this year:

1.  I want to learn how to use my super duper Nikon D70S camera with its super duper autofocus lenses.

2.  To take some artsy fartsy shots of my knitting is the ultimate goal. Some knitters - Jared Flood of Brooklyn Tweed is one - are amazing photographers. Check out his website for inspiration both knitting and photography.

3.  To knit the Hemlock Ring Blanket from Jared Flood's website. It's been in my Ravelry queue for three years now, and it's about time I got started. You can download the chart and written directions from the Rainey Sister's blog.

4.  To hone my intarsia skills. At the moment, they suck. Perhaps I will even take a class at TNNA if one is offered.

5.  To write out - properly - at least 12 of my own designs. That's only one per month, right? I can do that. I have started this quest today with "Barbie's Gone Potty"
Mr Knits is bringing her home today, so I can count stitches and take measurements. I might even get this one done this week!

6.  To start teaching again. I do have one class booked (offsite) for this coming Sunday and I am really looking forward to it. Toe up socks, magic loop, riverbed architecture, full gusset heel. My favourite kind of sock.

7.  To become much more competent on little Miss Pinky, my Passap knitting machine. I haven't touched her in a couple of weeks, and I'm eager to get back to it.

8.  And finally, to keep up the daily blogging. Since late October I have blogged at least once a day. This is becoming a habit, and a good one too.

What are your resolutions or plans for this year?


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