Yesterday, Mr Knits and I went into the big city - Toronto. He had an appointment; I was just along for the ride. Our first stop was to pick up some cat and dog food. It seems our critters eat a lot! Since we were so close to Princess Auto (you all know that's one of my favourite stores!), we stopped in. And there it was! Nancy's New Toy! Such a useful toy too.
It's a watch. It's
Pink! It's a ruler - both metric and imperial. and the little hands are in the shape of scissors. How could I
not get it? And the coolest thing is the bracelet is one of those snap will lay out flat for measuring and then when you want to put it back on, you just whack it on your wrist and it curls up. No buckles to mess with. I think I have to find out the distributor for it.
While Mr Knits was chauffeuring me around the GTA, I was working on a sock knitted on two straight needles. Yup, back and forth. No knitting in the round. No double points, no magic looping. Just back and forth. For some strange reason knitting socks like this seem to go so much faster. I had the cuff, instep, toe done in less than 5 hours. All that's left to do is to join the sole with the instep, knit the heel and graft the top of the heel flap to the bottom of the cuff.
sock, front view - laid out flat |
It's knit in lime green Cascade Fixation, at a gauge of 7 stitches per inch. A class for this method will be announced soon. (As soon as I get the class notes written out to my satisfaction.
Back view - the only seam is the little bit of the cuff |
Back view, flat |
I used some double pointed needles to assist in the photo taking. I am only using 1 needle, a 3.5mm 24 inch Addi Turbo.
And now a word from Purrl...she's a little high on catnip right now! )deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssd ,
I scooted her off the keyboard before she said anything else in her catnip stupor.