Welcome to "Chat"eau Catenburgh

 Mr Knits and I are cat sitting for our son Matty and daughter in law Terri for a week or two. In residence at Chateau Caterburgh are Dude, Mo and Porkchop.  Dude is a lovely, ultra friendly 14 year old Siamese, Porkchop is a tiny black girlie cat, and Mo is a portly tabby who weighs as much as Dude and Porchop combined.

When one adds up our 4 fur babies - Norma Jean and Emma Jane (dogs), Stinky and Purrl (our kitties), the three visitors  - Dude, Prkchop and Mo, and the two homeless cats, Ascot and Itty Bitty with their unknown number of kittens (our guess is 8 kittens, 2 moms), we approximately 17 critters relying upon us to keep them safe. And we sure are keeping the pet food industry in business. To be honest, it is fun having all these pets; it's not as much work as I had thought it would be.

Speaking of the homeless kitties, the two moms are becoming even friendlier. Instead of hiding when we arrived at the shop Sunday night to drop off our purchases for the renovations, the two kitty moms came across the street to see us! That is definitely the first time any of the strays have sought us out. Previously, we have always gone across the street to see them. I think there is hope for the moms and their kittens to find safe warm homes by this fall.

At the risk of sounding preachy, I do wish pet owners would spay or neuter their cats and dogs. Even just neutering all the males would reduce the unwanted pet population. There are spay and neuter clinics in Newmarket and Ottawa that perform the operations at a reduced rate, too.

And with that, I must get to work and see what Contractor Steve is up to with the Tinkletorium.


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