No longer sad...

I found the missing book - Hand Dyeing Yarn and Fleece by Gail Callahan! I had "put it away" when I was clearing up my mess of stuff I brought back from TNNA. I'd like to say "That'll teach me." But you know it won't.

As well as four others I had totally forgotten - Enchanted Knitted by Nicki Epstein, Knitting in the Sun by Kristi Porter, Knitting Boards by someone whose name I forget and Norwegian Sweater Techniques by Theresa Chynoweth

Well, that's not all that's new....Mr Knits and I came into work together today, and I thought he was in the shop when the phone rang. I answered it, and the caller wanted to speak to him. I looked through his store, my store, the lesson room, the kitchen, the store room - and then I looked outside. His vehicle wasn't there. The little devil had snuck out! So, I took a message and went back to what I was doing (paying the Ontario Sales Tax for the last time - HST starts next month).

Mr Knits returned about 10 minutes later and told me he went to see a trailer. You see, Mr Knits has decided we needed a trailer for additional storage at the store for all the bulky guitar cases. The cases take up a lot of room, and always seem to be in the way. I do tell him that if he put them back on the shelf they wouldn't be in the way, but that falls on somewhat deaf ears. Back to the trailer. Apparently, he had negoitated a great deal on this 25 foot Golden Falcon trailer. And it was arriving that afternoon at 3 pm. And so it did. This great big mouldy, dirty, moss growing trailer parked across from the yarn shop. Inside the trailer was another story - clean, upholstery in great condition, with a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen with a 4 burner stove, fridge, oven, and double sink. It must sleep 8 people. It's too good to use for storage! We haven't figured out if the awnings work, but you can bet that if they do, we might be knitting on Wednesdays outside!

We showed Betty D the trailer this afternoon, and she and I sat and drank our tea in it - so much fun sitting in a trailer with the rain. I loved it.

While I was 100 per cent against this purchase, I have a feeling I may really enjoy having a trailer. Especially if I can keep the guitar cases out of it!

edited to add - Mr Knits is now calling me Trailer Trash. How dare he? Even though it may be true.


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