Random Thursday
My mind is jumping all over the place today with little bits of info I want to share - so here goes:
- A photo of the trailer in all its rusty glory. I must come up for a name for it. Mr Knits and I name all our vehicles.
- We were able to view the surveillance tape and watch and hear the earthquake. The noise of the building shaking was quite loud - much louder than I remembered it being. We even saw the yarn falling off the shelves. The video quality could be better so as my summer project I am going to figure out how to run the machine through a computer.
- Watch for "Saturday Morning Knitting School" starting here on July 3rd at 9:00 am. Class enrollment will be limited to 6 people. There will be no cost for the class, but supplies for the projects must be purchased at Log Cabin Yarns. The first class will cover the different methods of wrapping stitches - good, better and what I find best. July 10ths class will be for knitters who don't crochet and crocheters who don't knit - it will be an introduction to Tunisian Crochet, a wonderful technique that uses one needle with a hook on the end, but mimics knitting. July 17th's class will be forethought heels - a different take on heels that make replacing them a breeze if they wear out. With July 24th's class, we will introduce a small project that should take less than a week to complete. I am busy knitting up the sample - Cloud by Ysolde Teague and should have it done sometime this weekend, and will post the photo and yarn requirements next week. Watch for more details on the blog.
- Finally, I am introducing a line of sock yarn called "Hope", hand dyed in the various colours of the cancer awareness ribbons - Teal for Ovarian, Pink for Breast, Burgundy for Multiple Myeloma, and Lime Green for Lymphoma. The yarn will come with a Ribbons of Hope sock pattern. Two dollars from the sale of each skein will be donated to the appropriate charity. The yarns should be ready for purchase by the end of next week. Custom colours can be requested if I have not included your favourite cause.
And now I must get back to unpacking the Eucalan and yarn I received yesterday. Talk to you soon.
2. I was at work. Its about the fourth or fifth earthquake for me too, the first I remember was when we just moved to North Gower. We were at the epicentre and it was a 5.6. Very loud, very weird. I feel them occasionally at night, very mild ones.
2b. My mother's birds went bananas about half an hour before the quake. Was Purl being weird then too?
3. How am I supposed to get all the way to Northbrook from the Gower for 9am? :-)
4. What a great idea. I'll get a pink one in honour of my mother, the survivor.