I am a very, very bad girl!
Today, just after I wrangled Purrl into her cage to go home shortly after closing time, some music customers came in - two men and their lovely wives. The women weren't really happy about being north of seven to begin with, and even less happy to have to wait while their husbands browsed throught the music shop. One of the women was particularly nasty. She also thought she was exceptionally hawt.
But I ask you, how "hawt" can you be when you have a huge flower on your butt. I had such a hard time not laughing out loud. I surreptiously snapped the photo with my new pink Canon Powershot SD1200 all the while pretending to be taking photos of all the new scarves I just got in. It made having to stay an extra hour at work worthwhile.
I guess you can see where I got tired of folding the scarves neatly when I put them on the rods. I'd better fix that tomorrow.
Have a great evening!