Finally a FO that isn't a sock!
Please let me introduce Cloud by Ysolda Teague, one of the newest knitting designer stars....
The yarn is Kertzer's Tweed Montage, and I used almost an entire 150g ball at $15.95 to make the small size shown here. The pattern is a freebie, downloadable from yarnforward magazine's website. When I was casting off last night, I was a little concerned I would have to break into a new skein just to complete the picot cast off - but the knitting gods smiled kindly upon me, and I have about two yards left over.
This sweet little jacket/shrug/cardigan doesn't have any buttonholes, so a broach would make a nice fastener. Here, I crocheted a loop with the cast on tail and affixed a large button (with a safety pin, I might add). I'm not into committing to a meaningful relationship with a button I just met.
This will be the project for one of the upcoming Saturday Morning Knitting School classes. All you'll need to bring to the class is the downloaded pattern and size 8 mm circular knitting needle. Coffee, tea and morning snacks will be provided. You can purchase the yarn the morning of the class, or preorder your colour now. Class space is limited to 6 participants, so register early.