What I've been working on?

This. If you click on it, it will go full page so you can inspect it better. Then when you're finished admiring looking at it, click your back button to bring you back to the blog.

I haven't liked the way my website looks for sometime now - more than a year I suppose, and I've been trying to come up with a simpler, more elegant look. And this is what I've settled on. Not so much junk, and more easy to navigate. I'm working on adding a "shop" function to the site, so that's a whole lot of inputting and picture taking and probably won't be ready for while.

Unless I can wrangle a certain friend to come in and help out 3 times a week for about 4 hours. She doesn't even know I'm going to ask her today! With two people it shouldn't take too long at all.

Hopefully the website, minus the shop, will be up by November 1st. Look for it! And please let me know what you think - good and bad. Preferably bad. I want to know what would improve it. Thanks!


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