That's what today is...seems that moose hunting season has started and the gunshots were scaring the dogs. Do you know what it's like to be woken up by a 70 pound trembling dog? I do. Norma Jean did just that this morning. She jumped up onto the bed at the first gunshot, and tried to climb onto my lap. Except I was sleeping, and there was no lap to climb into. She was shaking so hard, she was actually having trouble walking.
So we felt it would be best if the dogs came with us to work today instead of being terrified the whole day at home alone. (Mr Knits and I had made arrangements with the gentleman who fell through our ceiling last year to come in and fix it, along with all the other cracks in the wall and ceiling in the yarn shop. We were to meet here at 10:00 am. It is now 1:32 pm. He's not here yet.)
There's a hole in that ceiling, dear Liza, dear Liza |
Anyone who knows my dogs knows they are truly unruly, obnoxious, barking, noisy, rambunctious brats. They're kind of like the misbehaving kids you see in the mall - the ones that are destroying carefully put together store displays, and throwing their unwanted food at innocent bystanders (why is it the parents never get caught in that crossfire?).
Norma Jean and Emma Jane - our furbabies |
Anyway, my dogs are not what one would call well behaved, obedient critters. But I do love them to pieces. Usually, in the shop, they run around and play and bark at every little noise, so we don't often bring them here on our "day off". Today? Today they are angels. Sleeping at my feet, obeying my commands, both of them are total angels, I tell you.
What dog did that come from? |
A little while ago, I found the two of them curled up in a sunspot on the floor together. Of course, I didn't have the camera in my hand so there is no proof.
Emma posing with the cashmere |
All in all, it has been an enjoyable day. The girls and I went for a walk, and they got to smell all the good Northbrook smells, and greeted a few people on the way. They have enjoyed some of the doggie treats we keep here for customers, and have slept the rest of the time.
For some actual knitting content, I have finished the raw silk and mohair mittens I started the other day. I am pleased with how they look. I especially like the button on the seed stitch cuff.
click on the photo to see in better detail |
I have started another pair in the green silk, with a seafoam colour mohair, and I like them better. These mittens are the same method as my sock yarn mittens from last week - top down in the round, with a seed stitch cuff. I have a matching hat pattern in my brain, just waiting for enough time to knit it and jot the patten down. A few people have asked for a class based on this mitten - I'll post details of that when I get it organized. Which shouldn't be too far off.
BECAUSE I HAVE GOT MYSELF A HELPER!!!!! Three days a week, four hours a day, I have a helper. Someone that can do my bidding (that's a weird expression I have always wanted to use). I have been making a list of everything I would like to get accomplished, and now I'm prioritizing it.
First, I would like to get all the yarn in the shop priced, so Mr Knits can never again say my yarn isn't priced. Then I want to get the yarn shelves restocked. They are looking quite bare since last weekend. Just look at the 100% wool shelves. They used to be packed full, and now I don't even have any in overstock! I should point out that each of the little cubbies in the yarn bin hold around 20 skeins of yarn. Most of them now have less than 8!
Even if I juggle the yarn around, it will leave at least one third of this yarn bin empty. So, day 2 will be spent ordering yarn. At least that's the plan. Day three will be spent tidying up the overstock shelves. I have enough to keep the two of us busy for quite some time.
Ah! the dogs are barking! The gentleman (and I use that term loosely) must be here to start work. And, he's only 4 hours and 12 minutes late. Pretty good I would say for north of seven.