Music Dude's Hat

is done! I used 91 grams of yarn to complete, and did 2 more repeats than the first Music Dude's hat - the one where the stitch pattern went so wrong. Judge for yourself:
Music Dude 1 (aka the bumblebee hat according to Mr Knits)
Here they are side by each:
Music Dude 2 is on the left, Music Dude 1 is on the right. I prefer Music Dude 2 - it's squishier, has more drape and stretch. But best of all, the wind won't whistle right through it. A new customer, Gail from Tweed, suggested I line just 2 or 3 inches of the brim area with polar fleece to keep the wind and cold off the ear and forehead area. I might try that as soon as I can find some fleece. I thought of buying a fleece hat from the dollar store when I was in Toronto, but I forgot. As usual. I was having so much fun buying wigs for the "girls",
Donna, one our our summer knitters, finished this cardigan for one of her adorable twin grandsons.It was adapted from Kertzer pattern 178 and used Marble DK. Cute, yes?

Lastly - a note to Jana of - yes, please help me! Call or email me. Thanks!


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