The One Where I Can't Read

Apparently, I can't read - or at least I had some difficulty understanding the instructions for doing the brioche stitch. As I was knitting last night, I thought the hat looked a little lacy, but since the lighting in our log cabin isn't the best, I thought it was just me. Plus, it also looked like there were garter stitches in the piece too. I was sure I followed the directions. Obviously, I hadn't.

 It looks like columns of garter stitch with a lacy herringbone ladder in between.

So, I shall call this stitch garter stitch lace brioche. And I am not going to rip it out. I will finish it, and wear it proudly. I will get frostbite on my ears too - the wind will whistle right through this baby. And I will say that I meant the hat to look like that.

Just to clarify, this is how a properly knit brioche stitch should look, that is when the knitter isn't using my decorative garter lace brioche stitch.

plain brioche stitch

On the bright side, when I was downloading the photos of my fancy new brioche stitch, I found a few funny ones of Stinky, our Norwegian Forest cat. She's sleeping here. What a position! What captions it inspires!

And the family of 8 wild turkeys that torment our dogs each morning as they gobble their way across our property.

That's all for now. I'm going back to knitting my fancy new hat.


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