We have Zippers!

I forgot to tell you! And I can't believe I forgot, because I have been waiting since September for this zipper assortment to arrive!

These are the chunky nylon toothed zippers, in two lengths 7 inch closed end, and 22 inch separating, in 15 wonderful, bright, happy colours. The closed end zippers are great for knitted and sewn bags, neckline opening, etc. and the 22 inch separating are just the thing for cardigans and jackets.

I can't believe there are 2 shades of pink zippers. It's a selection
made in heaven for this pink lovin' knitter! And look at the orange
and lime green. I am smitten!

And the boring, but essential "repair" zippers - jeans (metal teeth), skirt, dress in a variety of sizes from 7 inch to 22 inch:

White, brown, beige, grey and black. boring, but necessary.

I may not have the selection you can get in the big city, but what I do have will probably look after all the common zipper needs, and at a great price!

Now you don't need to go hunting for the right zipper for your project - just come see me.


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