Christmas Knitting

A few months ago, Mr Knits had a shaving accident (he thought the #3 guide was on the clippers, but the guide had fallen off leaving a bare strip of skin up the middle of his face. As a result, the beard he had worn for 40 years (!) was totally shaven off. I did post about this incident here. (OMG! It was June when it happened. Was it really that long ago?)

Well, he has grown the beard back, only to shave it off a few times since then and has decided to keep it off. But with winter here, he is complaining that his face is cold. I had seen several bearded toques over the past few years, and now it is apparent I need to make him one to keep him warm this season.

In browsing the various patterns out there, I found that there was some element I didn't like with each of them, so it was time to make my own pattern involving short rows, Emily Ocker cast on, lifted increases, and some striping.

First, the yarn choice was easy - it had to be soft, wooly and subdued. I choose Manos del Uruguay Wool Classica kettle dyed colour 108 a brown, grey and beige mix, and Cascade Soft Spun colour 2803 , a nice medium dark grey that exactly matched the grey in the Manos.

These two yarns are so lovely to work with - soft on the hands, slides smoothly on the needles, with no splitting problems whatsoever.

I started at the top with Emily Ocker's Cast on, casting on 8 stitches with 5 mm 60 cm circular needle and increased to 88 stitches. Then I knit plain for a few rounds, then 7 rounds of the grey (1 round knit, 1 purl,1 plain, 2 pattern, 1 plain, 1 purl), 6 rounds of Manos, another stripe pattern, 6 rounds plain, 10 rows of short rows in manos, then I changed to the grey and began moss stitch to emulate hair. After about 6 rounds, I did a 10 stitch one row buttonhole for the mouth and then continued in moss stitch creating the beard. Please note that I did not write down the numbers as I don't plan to ever make one of these again.) I just need to knit an appropriate mutton chop type mustache and I can call this done! What do you think?

How do you like the pink Christmas tree? I have 6 of them in the shop!

I have yet to "fix" the colour jog in the middle of the back
The mannequin's head is so tiny - it's even smaller than mine. I know the toque will fit the mister as I had him try it on the other day. I'm always having him try on things; he has no idea it's for him! And he said it was so soft - I think he's hoping it's for him. Won't he be surprised to find out it is?


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