A most pleasant and appreciated surprise!

Mr Knits and I are frequently approached to provide donations for local and not so local benefits, clubs and charities. Most of the time, we do give something - be it money, guitars, knitted garments, gift certificates - you know, whatever we can within reason. It's not often though something is given back to us. Especially, something as wonderful as this!

We have a problem with our oil tank - it is situated right under the drip line of our metal roof, and if we have a good rain, water gets into the tank through the oil gauge. This water freezes, and causes our little oil fireplace to stop working. This is all technical stuff I don't understand, but the short story is - it gets really cold in Mr Knits' store when his little heater isn't working! No oil - no fire - no heat! Last year we covered the gauge with a mason jar, and that worked well. Until the jar blew off  the tank in a wind storm and we didn't know it until the tank was compromised again with water.

We decided that before winter this year, we would hire our contractor and have a proper roof built over the tank to protect it from the elements. So, Steve (our contractor who did our fabulous bathroom renovation) and his son Morgan arrived one day last week and built us this shelter.

When it came time to settle up, Steve refused to take any payment whatsoever! Not even for the materials. This was so unexpected and so appreciated! We are overwhelmed with their generousity.

Thank you so very much Steve and Morgan!


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