Little Orphan Annie

Occasionally, a customer will bring in some unfinished projects that a knitter was unable to complete before they passed away to the giant yarn shop in the sky. Sometimes, the customer is just trying to find a home for the unused yarn, and sometimes they want someone to complete the work.

Last summer, this incomplete sweater was brought in, along with the yarn needed to finish it.

 Just the sleeves need to be done - but there is no pattern or notes accompanying it. This makes me sad - the knitter has obviously spent a good deal of time planning out the colour changes and stitch patterns, but took ill before finishing it. The stitch patterns are mostly textural (purl on the right side) and slip stitches. The knitter was quite an accomplished one judging by her work - she used markers, lifelines, her increases are well done and her stitches even.

I have a feeling this was a "stashbusting" exercise as there is a variety of brands of yarn - some of them have been discontinued since the 1980s.

Not having the time to finish this project up myself - is there anyone out there that would like to have a go at it? The customer who brought it in would like it to be finished and donated to a worthy it definitely would count as a charity knitting project.

Posting this today makes me think of my own mortality - I suppose it's time I finished off (or got rid of) all the unfinished projects laying about the shop, and then begin practicing project monogamy. I have been knitterly promiscuous for too long!


Anonymous said…
I would be honored to finish the sweater and donate it to a charity!

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