A Week in One Post
I know, I haven't keep up with the blog. It has been such a great week though.
First, last Saturday, Mr Knits and I bought a bike! A Schwinn! I love it!
First, last Saturday, Mr Knits and I bought a bike! A Schwinn! I love it!
On Sunday, I figured out how to use a Nostepinne and made pretty yarn balls. Come into the shop and I'll show you how to do it too.
Then on Monday, I went to the States to pick up all my TNNA orders, and spent the next three days sorting them out. Pics to follow soon.
On Tuesday, I found my "lost" Lanesplitter skirt, and finished the knitting part of it. Actually I made it TOO big! So, tomorrow, I am going to have to rip back about 3 hours knitting, then do another two hours knitting to fix it.
On Wednesday, I show the Procrastiknitters how to use a nostepinne (actually a toilet paper roll) and they all "got it".
Thursday, I put together about 50 scarf kits.
And today, I just worked. Hard! I'm going to post this without any revisions or additions - my laptop is running out of batteries!
And that was my week - how was yours?