Principles of Knitting

Several years ago, I wanted to buy the book "The Principles of Knitting" by June Hemmons Hiatt, but it was out of print, and copies of it were selling for over $400. That was way out of my budget. I borrowed this book from the library so many times the librarian actually told be to photocopy it!

There has been speculation that it would be reprinted after a revision by the author. I think the first projected date was Sept. 2007, then 2009, 2010, and the the book dropped off the radar for a while.

I googled it this morning - and apparently it will be released around November 1, 2011.

 I might be a bit sceptical about it actually coming out, but in any case I am ordering 10 copies of it for the shop.This book is going to be huge at 704 pages. You won't be toting it around in your knitting bag, but it will look mighty pretty sitting on your coffee table. The first edition had only 586 pages so it appears there is a lot of new information in it.

I feel this book is the best go to knitting reference book available. If it can be knit, it will be covered.  Should you want to reserve a copy, drop me a line, or leave a comment on the blog. Waiting until November is going to be hard!


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