It's Started!
I just heard from my project manager - aka Mr Knits - that work has begun on the renovation of our tinkletorium. The walls have been torn down, only to show why the washroom has been so cold in the winter...there is absolutely no insulation in them at all!
Yesterday, when Mr Knits drove me to Belleville to meet up with Teri and Matty to pick up their three cats we will be caring for, we also stopped in at Lowe's to purchase the flooring and door for the new barrier free washroom. I haven't looked at sheet flooring in at least 20 years and I had no idea how much it had changed. It is nothing like the hard vinyl flooring I remember - it's so soft and pliable now. We picked out a nice slate looking pattern that will be nice to look at and care for.
But, after three consultation type phone calls, I'd better make this a short post and figure out where to get a water heater on short notice. Stay tuned for updates and photos.
Yesterday, when Mr Knits drove me to Belleville to meet up with Teri and Matty to pick up their three cats we will be caring for, we also stopped in at Lowe's to purchase the flooring and door for the new barrier free washroom. I haven't looked at sheet flooring in at least 20 years and I had no idea how much it had changed. It is nothing like the hard vinyl flooring I remember - it's so soft and pliable now. We picked out a nice slate looking pattern that will be nice to look at and care for.
But, after three consultation type phone calls, I'd better make this a short post and figure out where to get a water heater on short notice. Stay tuned for updates and photos.