Tinkletorium Times, weekend edition, vol. 1, issue 5

There is not much new to report other than the water heater is being installed on Tuesday, and, if everything goes well, the electrician can also inspect and pass the electrical work done previously. That means there won't be a 2 week delay after all!

Today, Mr Knits and I went into the shop and I tidied as best as I could the gift area. You can actually see the floor! It has always been a challenge to find a good out of the way, yet handy, place to keep my ball winder and swift. With all the shuffling and moving stuff, I have finally found a home for it...it's in the gift area, away from the main shopping areas so little ones won't be so tempted to crank on the wheel. A week ago, I found a greeting card display at a garage sale - for $5! It's the perfect size to display our little selection of mostly hand made cards (which we sell for $1.75 each, by the way). So as a bonus of the renoing of the bathroom, the gift area is looking better too.

On Tuesday, Lynn is driving me to Toronto as I need go have some tests done. But, we are going to do some shopping, of course. I am never too "under the weather" that I can't shop! We plan to go to Diamond yarns to pick up some pretty ribbon yarns (some pink for sure!)for the two needle scarf, and apparently there is an Ikea nearby. When we were in Ottawa, I saw some
lovely kitchen type dishes that I wanted to get for the house, but there was absolutely no room in the car, seeing as it was jammed full of the stuff we took to the vendor night at the Ottawa knitting guild's meeting. Mr Knits and I are using the china I bought from William Ashley's when my son Matt was only 3 months old...that would be over 30 years ago. I think it's time to retire them.

I decided to post from the iPad tonight, so if you find some funny words that don't make sense, then thank the ipad's autocorrect feature. I did my best to find them all!


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