Where's DizzyBat?

I used to have two bestest friends - DizzyBat is one of them. DizzyBat is the most prolific knitter I know. She also is one of the few people who totally "gets" me.

We often talked about how slow dial up service was, and how the satellite service provided by Xplornet was equivalent to highway robbery. Our Bell hi speed at the shop is great, and thankfully unlimited. Often customers ask if they can connect to do a little banking and to check their email, and we are glad to offer this service.

A little while ago I told DB about Rogers hi speed service being available up here north of seven, and suggested she get it. I did not think of the ramifications of this suggestion. It meant she would not be stopping by the shop a couple of times a week to do banking, travel planning - you know, the things you cannot do on dialup.

Well, DB took my advice, and toddled off to Kingston on Thursday and bought the darned Rogers Hub and it works. She gets the hi speed from her house, her fabric shop, and probably from the dock on her property. All this for about $30 per month. Satellite service is over $60 per month and is nowhere as fast as the 3g. Now she can stay in her pajamas all day, looking at yarn and fabric porn, planning trips with her husband (and my boyfriend), and doing whatever else we do on the internet.

I'll miss you DizzyBat. I really will.


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