World's best butter tart

Several times in my adulthood, my mom has given me her recipe for butter tarts. I usually scribble the ingredients down on a bit of paper, make the tarts and promptly lose the paper. While I was cleaning out the junk items in storage in the bathroom, I came across this bit of wrapping paper with the recipe on it. In order that I never ever ever lose this recipe again, I am posting it here so I can always find it. You just might enjoy it too.

My mom's pastry is always fabulous and I have never been able to replicate, so feel free use your favourite pastry recipe.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Lightly beat one egg, cream in 3 tablespoons of soft butter, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Now, stir in 1/2 cup each of currants and walnuts (I use pecans).

Spoon a tablespoon, more or less, into each unbaked tart shell. Bake at 425 degrees for 8 minutes, then reduce the oven heat to 375 degrees and continue baking for another 20 minutes.

I think this makes 12 tarts, depending on the size of your tart shells. I have to double or triple this recipe as they get gobbled up so quickly!


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