Knitting doesn't get better than this!
That is when you can knit, seam and felt a project in one day!
I knit, sewed up and felted my first pair of French Press Slippers yesterday, and I have just the straps and two sides to finish knitting on my second pair. I can probably get them done on the drive home tonight!
I knit, sewed up and felted my first pair of French Press Slippers yesterday, and I have just the straps and two sides to finish knitting on my second pair. I can probably get them done on the drive home tonight!
The first pair were made with 100 g Tilli Tomas Aspen in the Atmosphere colour, the second pair are being have been knit with 160 grams of Paton's SWS in the Natural Beige colour. The next pair I make will be a combination of Tilli Tomas Aspen and Flurries. I just love those little beads! And I think I need a pair of pink ones. A girl can simply not have enough slippers! (The SWS slippers are knitted, and felted below, drying by the fire.)
Before you say "What about your Knitting New Year?" Well, I guess I have broken my resolution to not start anything new before all my other things are finished. Bad Nancy.
The French Press slippers have made me fall off the wagon hard. If I could figure out a way to make the slippers fit other feet than mine without the feet having to be present, everyone would be getting a pair for Christmas.
The next pair I will knit double soles just to make them a little more substantial. I now have to find a place that sells fabric paint. I remember White Rose Nurseries used to sell the stuff, but they've been gone for 6 years now. And Michaels doesn't have much in that department. If you know where I could get a bottle or two of grey, black or brown puffy fabric paint, please let me know. Thanks!
So, if you see me pirouetting around the shop next time you're in, be sure to look at my feet - I'll probably have the French Press slippers on!