Is this irony?

I went into Toronto to pick up some yarn orders on Monday, theoretically to save money on shipping. In actual practice, picking up orders generally end up costing me money. Going into the warehouses and see all the glorious yarns and colours is simply too much for my resolve to not bring home any more yarn than what was previously ordered.  This trip was no exception!

As soon as I walked in the first warehouse, I spotted some beautiful colours of Cascade Yarns Venezia (70% merino, 30% silk).

And so I brought home 14 bags of it. Then I saw some yarn that looked suspiciously like Marble DK, but a little bit nicer and in different colourways.

 It is Twist by King Cole, and has 26% wool, making it softer and bouncier than Marble DK, but the same easy care - machine wash and dry. To round out my impulse purchase, I also brought home 3 bags of Cascade Yarns Pacific, a merino and acrylic blend, also machine wash and dry.

This was all on top of the orders of Cascade Softspun I had placed last week! To say all this yarn filled my little car would be an understatement. I couldn't wait to get home and cast on the pink Venezia to make this beret

Merino and silk is my favourite blend of yarn, and pink is my favourite colour. I actually pulled a  skein out of the bag so I could fondle it on the long drive home.

But, let's get to the irony part. Today, after a great knitting afternoon, I popped a roast and some baking potatoes into the oven at work so Mr Knits and I could have a nice meal together.(I am usually to tired to cook after we get home at night, so dinner is often something microwaved.)

Around 5:30 pm, I pulled the roast out of the oven and put the roasting pan on the counter and placed the roast onto a cutting board. And then I did the unthinkable! The pan was in the way, so I tried to pick it with my bare hand to move it. Holy cow! Pans just out of a 450 degree oven are really hot! I burned my left thumb, index and middle fingers. I managed to eat a bit of this delicious meal with one hand - the burnt one was in a bowl of ice and water.

So, while I had a great evening planned of knitting while watching the finale of Big Brother, the premiere of Survivor, South Pacific and Criminal Minds, I won't be able to knit. Most likely, not for a week. The blisters have already started to form, and it's not a pretty sight.

So, is it irony that I was so looking forward to a night of knitting and mindless television viewing and now can't knit, or just plain bad luck? Perhaps I have angered the knitting gods by having too many works in progress...that's a possibility too! Irony or not, it sure is frustrating!

But it could be worse. The power could go out, and then there would be no knitting, no tv or internet and I'll never know who won Big Brother or who went home on Survivor. That would be really bad!


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