Spill the Beanz Cafe
It's been fun getting all the equipment and glassware ready. Most of all, we have loved creating and testing the lattes we sell. I think it was all the caffeine that got me through the last month or so.
Now, little Miss Purrl is not such a fan of the coffee shop as she is not allowed in there....something about health regulations, I tell her. She is not amused. Remember how she trashed the washroom. Well, she has totally outdone herself this time. We had made her a cozy little room in the back of the store, with a double bed (!), dresser, night table (okay, that's for us when we stay over), two large windows so she can observe the birds and squirrels outside, her food, water, and litter box....everything a kitty needs. Each morning when we come in, she has emptied a bookshelf, knocked over the recycling and spread the paper all over the floor or some such kitty vandalism. Yesterday morning, however, she had outdone herself. I do give her full marks for creativity.
She had gone into my knitting bag, taken out a project and must have run around Mr Knits desk and desk chair a gazillion times with it. If you look closely, you'll see the yarn is all kinked - that's right, she took it off the needles and unravelled it. And then, she took a sock from the same knitting bag and placed it on top of the little bit of knitting that remained to hide it.
See all that stuff on the floor? That was on the desk and shelf above it! But appreciate the hard work it was to twist and tangle and wind that yarn around the arm of the chair, the monitor and assorted computer wires.
She is such a brat - cute, but a brat nonetheless.