Too hot to work

That's Miss Purrl sprawled out on the floor of the yarn shop with the air conditioner blowing on her. She looks so comfy.

Outside of the shop I have have some rosebushes that are starting to bloom. Each winter some tragedy occurs - like a snowblow running over them - so the bushes have to regroup each summer. This year I was able to protect them from the winter hazards and this is the reward

That's a Queen Elizabeth rose just about to bloom.

And this is a Queen Elizabeth in bloom. The roses are 'blasting' due to the heat, so the flowers are lasting only a day or so. They are spectacular though. Since I was a child, I have loved roses - the scent, the shape, the colour and the texture of the petals. I especially love the pale colours as evidenced in this little garden. I think my all time favourite is a David Austin (Austen?) rose named "Evelyn". It's a pale apricot that turns to pale pink as the bloom ages and the scent is the rose scent of Crabtree and Evelyn fame. It's all the more special to me as my grandmother and granddaughter are also named Evelyn. I've thought of doing a rose garden with only roses with names of my grandchildren. So far I have the Evelyn and the Elizabeth, now I have to find a Robbie or a Robert rose. That sounds like a job for "Super Google".

I'm off to the states today (yes, again!) so perhaps on the way back a rose bush just might jump into the car. Ya never know.


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