It's a Party!

On Saturday, come on in and help me celebrate my Valentine's Day birthday. Have some cake, play some games, win some prizes and get some really great deals on yarn.

In order to make sure I had a bunch of great yarns at even greater prices, I drove into Mississauga today to my favourite distributor, Kertzer, and loaded up the car. Thanks to Alma, my order was entered and boxed up within the hour. Then, I enjoyed a lovely lunch with Alma, Josie, Ann and Mara, Kertzer's dream team. To top it all off, I munched on a Portugeuse custard tart courtesy of Alma (she actually bought me a dozen, so I brought the rest home.) She does spoil me!

Photos of the haul will be posted tomorrow, but rest assured, there will be some fabulous prices. For example, On Your Toes DK weight sock yarn, usually $9.95 is on sale for $6, Trenton, a worst weight 100% superwash merino, in 6 camoflage colours (including PINK!) is on sale half price at $5 per 100 gram skein. Ovation, a lace weight kid mohair and silk blend is also half price at $6 per 25 gram skein. These are just some of the great yarns on sale. You'll have to come on Saturday to find out more. Please remember, the sale starts Saturday!

John and I are looking forward to celebrating our 12th anniversary on Saturday too. We're going out for dinner, something we haven't been able to do in a long time.


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