Laughing at myself - again!

TNNA was full of the the four Fs - fibre, fun, food and friends. This little story is about the fibres.

I walked the show floor, petting all the pretty goods, and finally decided I should purchase some of the mystical qiviut. I found the booth that was distributing it and chatted with the owner. She had a great minimum order deal, and I felt comfortable laying down my money for this much asked about yarn. I sat down, ready to order, and the owner handed me a price list. Hmmm, I thought, more expensive than I thought, but not that much more. I shrugged my shoulders, and began ordering. When I had finished choosing all the colours, Ms Qiviut tallied up what I owed, told me it would be 8 to 12 weeks before delivery and then handed me my copy of the order.

I freaked! What I had thought was a bit expensive pricing was actually the wholesale pricing. I thought it was the suggested list price! Most price lists at TNNA put both wholesale and retail on the price lists, and if only one price is on the list, it is usually Suggested List. I realize I should have clarified what the figure was, but assumed it was wholesale. Could you imagine knitting a pair of socks that the yarn cost over $100? It's not as if it was spun with unicorn hair and fairy dust, qiviut is  muskox undercoat!

I apologized to the owner for my misunderstanding, and cancelled my order, and got out of that booth as quickly as I could, and avoided that aisle for the rest of the day. I was so embarrassed. Later that evening I shared the story with a group of knitters and designers - they all thought it was quite funny. I bet Ms Qiviut didn't.


Unknown said…
Better to be embarrassed than poor! I have been there done that -- except I was too ashamed to back out of a sale and bought anyway. It was rice and spaghetti with no meat for weeks!

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