Yesterday I had the shop in a bit of a turmoil. I decided I needed to move the knitting needles and crochet hooks to a new location. This meant pattern books needed to move, which meant embroidery floss needed to move. You get the idea. Lots of stuff needed to move just to satisfy this little whim of mine. I did get it done though, and am really happy with the result. So happy, I decided the cash desk needed to move. Which meant the notions needed to move. Of course, that meant more slatwall needed to be cut and mounted. That got done too.
No, I wasn't finished yet. Mr Knits (who thankfully still doesn't know about his cell phone) bought some shelving for his store. I told him I needed some too. He is such a sweetie, he went out and got me some right away and cut it to fit. I put the shelves up and moved some product to them. It all looks very nice.
But it really made Purrl more inquisitive than she usually is. I was up on a ladder arranging product. Not to be outdone, she got up on the ladder bookshelf and was watching me - eye to eye. It was a bit unnerving when I turned around and there she was! From this vantage, she was at least 7 feet off the ground.
This little cat is such a hand full some days.But we do love her.
Surprisingly, here's some actual knitting content. I have been knitting up some of the flowers for the rug I want to make. I couldn't find a crochet patten I liked well enough for the flowers, so I started knitting up a few, and this is what I have decided on.
I changed the pattern which was to cast on 10 stitches, increase in every stitch every other row three times, knit 6 rows in stockinette, then bind off. I cast on 80 stitches, knit 6 rows in stockinette, knit 2 together across every other row until 10 stitches remain and then bind off. I like decreasing better than increasing, I suppose.
It is going to be such a soft, squooshy rug when it's done. It's not going to be round either - I think it's going to be a 3 foot by 5 foot rectangle. That means about 241 roses need to be knit. I can do one in 25 minutes. That's a lot of knitting! I have to put them aside for now as some yarn arrived late Friday, and I need to get my required knitting done first. March 1st is getting too close for comfort. This is the first time I can remember wishing that February had 31 days!
No, I wasn't finished yet. Mr Knits (who thankfully still doesn't know about his cell phone) bought some shelving for his store. I told him I needed some too. He is such a sweetie, he went out and got me some right away and cut it to fit. I put the shelves up and moved some product to them. It all looks very nice.
But it really made Purrl more inquisitive than she usually is. I was up on a ladder arranging product. Not to be outdone, she got up on the ladder bookshelf and was watching me - eye to eye. It was a bit unnerving when I turned around and there she was! From this vantage, she was at least 7 feet off the ground.
This little cat is such a hand full some days.But we do love her.
Surprisingly, here's some actual knitting content. I have been knitting up some of the flowers for the rug I want to make. I couldn't find a crochet patten I liked well enough for the flowers, so I started knitting up a few, and this is what I have decided on.
I changed the pattern which was to cast on 10 stitches, increase in every stitch every other row three times, knit 6 rows in stockinette, then bind off. I cast on 80 stitches, knit 6 rows in stockinette, knit 2 together across every other row until 10 stitches remain and then bind off. I like decreasing better than increasing, I suppose.
It is going to be such a soft, squooshy rug when it's done. It's not going to be round either - I think it's going to be a 3 foot by 5 foot rectangle. That means about 241 roses need to be knit. I can do one in 25 minutes. That's a lot of knitting! I have to put them aside for now as some yarn arrived late Friday, and I need to get my required knitting done first. March 1st is getting too close for comfort. This is the first time I can remember wishing that February had 31 days!