Big Day Tomorrow
Tomorrow is my annual birthday sale. Any excuse to eat cake is a good excuse for sale I think. This birthday is shaping up to be a tough one, as all my "9" birthdays have been. I didn't like turning 19, 29, 39 or 49. There's something about not being fifty something anymore that bugs me. But turning 60 will be fun! I have 9 years of being 60 something before the dreaded 9 birthday comes around again. Plus when I turn 60, I get to collect pension. Me! A pensioner! What a kick! I really don't feel a day over 20. That is, until I look in the mirror. Then, and only then, it hits me that I'm almost an old lady. But, once again, I'm off topic. Back to the sale.
Preparations have been underway for about a month now, and I'm still not ready. Be assured though the cake, beverages and nibbles are ready and waiting. So are the bargains! Everything, and I mean everything is at least 10% off. Some yarns are 25% off and some are 50% off.
New scarves have arrived and they are $8 each. The shawl pins I have been anxiously waiting for arrived just as we were leaving for home today. They are even more beautiful than I remembered! I did have a bunch of those Snap Watches with the measuring tapes for the bands, but they all gone save one pink one. I don't expect it to last too long. New bracelets for spring have come in too. Did I mention I love getting new stuff in?
I hope to see a whole bunch of you tomorrow.
If you need a little encouragement, there are gifts for the first 20 customers. Hopefully Environment Canada will cooperate and move the snow in the forecast back 24 hours.
Preparations have been underway for about a month now, and I'm still not ready. Be assured though the cake, beverages and nibbles are ready and waiting. So are the bargains! Everything, and I mean everything is at least 10% off. Some yarns are 25% off and some are 50% off.
New scarves have arrived and they are $8 each. The shawl pins I have been anxiously waiting for arrived just as we were leaving for home today. They are even more beautiful than I remembered! I did have a bunch of those Snap Watches with the measuring tapes for the bands, but they all gone save one pink one. I don't expect it to last too long. New bracelets for spring have come in too. Did I mention I love getting new stuff in?
I hope to see a whole bunch of you tomorrow.
If you need a little encouragement, there are gifts for the first 20 customers. Hopefully Environment Canada will cooperate and move the snow in the forecast back 24 hours.