Two down, three to go!

e been knitting all weekend. So much knitting in fact that my fingers are sore. But I have finished two of the 5 projects I must have completed by March 1st. I have a few days "off" from required knitting as the yarn for the remaining projects has not arrived yet. I wish I could show you the finished pieces, but they're a secret. You can bet that I will show them to you as soon as I can.

We've also been busy sprucing up the yarn shop - remember when I said I had the shop in a mess a couple of weeks ago? Well, here's what we've done so far - new paint, curtains, mirror, clock, artwork and furniture.

Our brand new sitting area
I feel like I should be a talk show host when I'm sitting up there. Purrl loves this new set up. Her favourite seat of the moment is the pink wing back. She was mighty unimpressed when Lynda sat there are Wednesday!

I had originally planned to frame some old Mary Maxim sweater patterns, but had misplaced them. Of course I found them the next day! Being desperate for some artwork to brighten up the wall, inspiration struck and I framed some shade cards. I think they are quite pretty, but it's too bad that when I bought the frames I didn't notice one was a different colour than the other 5.

Coffee and tea are available in the shop now.

And for even more news. Our washroom renovation is going ahead. Hopefully by the end of May our washroom will be completely wheelchair accessible. Right now, the washroom is almost not accessible by able bodied patrons. This will soon be no more:
This washroom is so depressingly small. We can't even open the drawer  the room is so cramped.
Please note the absence of toilet tissue from the holder. That's because Purrl likes filling the toilet with it. 


dresda said…
Wow, that looks fantastic! I can't wait to get up there and sit there spinning!

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