The mysterious case of the missing sink strainers
On Sunday, I wanted to wash some dishes and couldn't fill the sink with warm, soapy water. The sink strainer was missing. That was odd as a month earlier, the other sink strainer disappeared. At first, I thought I might have thrown it out, but could't imagine I would really be that absent minded. With the second one missing, I was perplexed. I had bought two shiny new strainers last time I was in the States (you know sink strainers have to match or they won't work properly!), so I put one of them in and got the dishes done. Now, that was Sunday.
Fast forward to Wednesday. I was busy in the lesson room getting ready for the Wednesday afternoon knitters. I was going to wash out the coffee pots - and discovered the sink strainer was missing from the sink. WTF! Two in one week! No - make that 3 days!
Mr Knits and I then discussed the disappearance of these small but necessary items, (I amdit, I did ask him if he threw it out) when we concluded not just two had gone missing, but a total of four had disappeared in the past couple of months. The second one from home, and the sink strainer from the washroom at the shop. Who the devil would want 4 sink strainers we wondered.
My good friend Lynn put it all into perspective for me though. It was probably Purrl.
We know she's a thief. When she was just a wee kitten of 5 months old, she took Mr Knits keys from the kitchen table, and hid them in her litter box. She nicely covered the keys with a bit of paper so he couldn't see them too. He searched for a couple of hours for the keys before remembering I had told him the kitten had been stealing my keys from the top of my cash desk. He also remembered how I had often chuckled about the buried treasures in her litter box - pens, pencils, business cards...if she could carry it, it was in there. He put two and two together, and found his keys.
No, the sink strainers aren't in her litter box. We checked. She must have a new hiding place for her purloined treasures.
Fast forward to Wednesday. I was busy in the lesson room getting ready for the Wednesday afternoon knitters. I was going to wash out the coffee pots - and discovered the sink strainer was missing from the sink. WTF! Two in one week! No - make that 3 days!
Mr Knits and I then discussed the disappearance of these small but necessary items, (I amdit, I did ask him if he threw it out) when we concluded not just two had gone missing, but a total of four had disappeared in the past couple of months. The second one from home, and the sink strainer from the washroom at the shop. Who the devil would want 4 sink strainers we wondered.
My good friend Lynn put it all into perspective for me though. It was probably Purrl.
evil kitty planning her next hoist. |
No, the sink strainers aren't in her litter box. We checked. She must have a new hiding place for her purloined treasures.
Have you seen the YouTube video of the cat who goes around the neighbourhood at night, stealing sneakers, bathing suits, sun glasses, etc. Whatever has carelessly been left outside.
Maybe your cat and that one are thieving kin.