How do I hate you blogspot, let me count the ways

A blog reader called me this morning, and said how great it was that the blog had been updated, but what had happened to the photos? What? I had done nothing to the photos, but sure enough, when I checked the blog most of the photos of the past year and a half are gone. They now are rectangles with the dreaded red x in a box. Even when the box is right clicked and "show picture" is selected, the red x reappears.

So, my search for an easier blog provider is ramping up. In reading many other blogs, it seems that there isn't a really reliable, stable blog software out there. I like the way most Wordpress blogs look; I just have to figure out how to make mine look pretty.

So, I thought I might google it to see if anyone else is having the same problem, and yes, many blogs are. Here is Blogspot's response:

Blogger Status
Monday, March 29, 2010
Our image backend is experiencing problems which may affect the display and/or uploading of photos. We are working to resolve this and will update this post when we have more information.
Posted by at 09:49 PDT

Their "image backend"? What's that? Photos of their butts? Oh well, at least they acknowledged a problem and are working on it. But, it means I can't upload any photos either.

Enough wanking now! Isn't the weather in southern Ontario fabulous? The upper lake is almost unfrozen, and that usually doesn't happen until late April. The grass is starting to green up, and a good crop of weeds have already sprung forth in the garden at home. And it's still March!

Gotta love it!


Anonymous said…
I have the same problem whit my pictures. . .. .They are there, but they just don't show. . . .
dresda said…
What they mean is that the server they store the photos on is down.

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