Hey everyone!
I'm still here - really I am. So much has happened since I last posted, I don't know where to begin. "Broken" seems to be the theme of the month. My charming niece spent a week with us the first of February (she didn't break anything, except our hearts when she left), I turned 60(!), my mom fell and broke her hip, the furnace in my shop broke on the coldest day so far this year, my 10 year old car doesn't run well anymore, and my outgoing email was "broken". To top it all off, as I was plugging the the charger for my camera battery, the cord exploded in my hand! Whatever caused the short, burned right through the cord, leaving the plug in the wall. I was scared and my hand covered with black soot and I couldn't take a photo of my hand, the battery was dead!
My mom had surgery on her hip and she will be fine. Her surgeon is so good looking, it almost makes me want to break my hip.The furnace was fixed a few days later, and it seems fine. Mr Knits has been working on the car, and while it runs, I think it's time for a new one. The email - well, it seemed to be working, then I was told some emails didn't go through again. And I had a spare cord, so the camera battery is charged now. AARGH!
I have been knitting fingerless gloves for the past two weeks - I'm on my 5th pair. I know I have always said I didn't think they were a good idea, but this pattern is so cute, I had to make them. To my surprise, they do keep my fingers warm. I love them. (I hope so, I have 3 pairs now) The pattern I used is Susie's Reading Mitts and you do need a Ravelry account (free) to download the pattern. I have made the mitts in white angora, acid green cashmere/angora/merino blend, and seafoam merino bamboo blend. I altered the pattern somewhat to account for fingering weight yarn and made a pair for Dizzy Bat in pistachio green superwash merino. The pair I'm currently making are a mohair/merino blend in cherry red. And I already have the yarn set aside for another pair in milk fiber and merino in a cream and pink combo for my daughter in law.
In other knitting news, I have designed a summer tee in a cotton tape yarn - Olivia modeled it while she was here, and I'll post more about it and mohair infinity scarf we made while she was here.
While this all might sound a little like I'm a Debbie Downer (from SNL) or Negative Nancy, I'm great. Maybe a little overwhelmed, but I'm great! This past month has shown me how many wonderful friends I have. I'm such a lucky woman.
My mom had surgery on her hip and she will be fine. Her surgeon is so good looking, it almost makes me want to break my hip.The furnace was fixed a few days later, and it seems fine. Mr Knits has been working on the car, and while it runs, I think it's time for a new one. The email - well, it seemed to be working, then I was told some emails didn't go through again. And I had a spare cord, so the camera battery is charged now. AARGH!
I have been knitting fingerless gloves for the past two weeks - I'm on my 5th pair. I know I have always said I didn't think they were a good idea, but this pattern is so cute, I had to make them. To my surprise, they do keep my fingers warm. I love them. (I hope so, I have 3 pairs now) The pattern I used is Susie's Reading Mitts and you do need a Ravelry account (free) to download the pattern. I have made the mitts in white angora, acid green cashmere/angora/merino blend, and seafoam merino bamboo blend. I altered the pattern somewhat to account for fingering weight yarn and made a pair for Dizzy Bat in pistachio green superwash merino. The pair I'm currently making are a mohair/merino blend in cherry red. And I already have the yarn set aside for another pair in milk fiber and merino in a cream and pink combo for my daughter in law.
In other knitting news, I have designed a summer tee in a cotton tape yarn - Olivia modeled it while she was here, and I'll post more about it and mohair infinity scarf we made while she was here.
While this all might sound a little like I'm a Debbie Downer (from SNL) or Negative Nancy, I'm great. Maybe a little overwhelmed, but I'm great! This past month has shown me how many wonderful friends I have. I'm such a lucky woman.