Public Service Announcement

This is going to be a drive by posting - quick and (almost) to the point.

If you are browsing the internet and come across an interesting blog or email message and there is the notation or warning  NSFW, don't, and I mean don't click on it. I now know this from personal experience. Actually, you could click on it if you like super XXXXX rated movies. But I think most of my readers have more gentler sensibilities.

Yesterday, I was researching some cashmere yarn that I just ordered in. Yes, 100% cashmere, but I am getting away from the public service announcement or PSA. I was reading a review about this particular yarn (Laine Du Nord Royal Cashmere) and further down in the post, there was a little thing about "if you like yarn porn, you might like this. Remember kiddies, it's NSFW."

Holy cow, I have never seen so many butts and boobs and body parts in between! And the groaning, don't forget the groaning. I panicked. There were customers in the shop, browsing!

I was so rattled, I couldn't figure out how to turn the darned video off!. I minimized the screen, but while the video couldn't be viewed the groaning and moaning could still be heard. I closed my laptop lid, but the the video kept running and the moaning - well, it got louder. I turned the computer off, and all was quiet.

 Apparently NSFW means "Not Safe For Work". A quick google  search would have told me that. Here's an excerpt from :

Not suitable/safe for work (NSFW), not work-suitable/safe (NWS), or not school-suitable (NSS) is Internet slang or shorthand. Typically, the NSFW tag is used in E-mail, movies (such as on Youtube) and on interactive discussion areas (such as Internet forumsblogs and community websites) to mark URLs or hyperlinks which may be sexually explicit or include audio containing profanity, helping the reader avoid potentially objectionable content. For example, one may tag a URL as unsafe: (NSFW)

Consider yourselves told.


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