The dyeable sock yarn I have been waiting for and talking about for more than three weeks is finally here! Although the yarn did make a little tour around Ontario first, it is here now, and just look. One hundred skeins of fibrey goodness just waiting for a touch of colour.

It's really hard to see the silver sparkle in a photo, but trust me, it really does sparkle.

Here's the one that had me so jazzed. It's called Sparkle, appropriately because it does sparkle. With a fibre content of 98% superwash wool and 2 % sterling silver, this yarn is a beauty, especially when dyed a darker shade. I saw it a 2008 TNNA done in a deep spruce green. Gorgeous.
It's really hard to see the silver sparkle in a photo, but trust me, it really does sparkle.
Now, this dye rack is almost empty. But not for long. I finally placed my order today to refill all the empty slots, and also ordered the 8 ounce bottles so you can purchase refills at a much lower price - about half of the $5.95 for a 2/3 ounce bottle. Just save your little bottles and bring them back to fill up. Hopefully this order won't go on a little trip too and will arrive before next weekend.
Once a month, a group of intrepid dyers come and play in the kitchen at Log Cabin Yarns.
This month, we overdyed some yarn - one was already dyed sunshine yellow and the other petal pink.
Here's the overdyeing in progress:
Here's the final result:
The samples are still in the shop if you would like to come in a see what you can do with a half teaspoon of dye solution, a glug (very precise liquid measurement unit) and 25 minutes of your time.
Lynne, from Pembroke, dropped in on Saturday morning with these two lovely shawls. The first was made from two skeins of Noro Sock yarn and a pattern from Evelyn Clark's book. The second was made from 2 (or 3) skeins of Cadenza using a Sivia Harding pattern. Both are beautiful.
Then, just after Lynne arrived, Cathy came in with this adorable sweater knit in Limbo Mexiko. The little sweater was a free pattern from the internet, and took just 3 skeins. Cathy was certainly a busy girl last week as she just bought the yarn a week ago Saturday (the 23rd) and brought in the finished item on the 30th. Way to go!
On another note, I have 5 copies of Janel Laidman's book, The Eclectic Sole on order. These should arrive in about 10 days too. If you want a copy put aside, let me know. The first batch of these books sold out in a week, and I even sold my own copy on Saturday. The price is $28.95, and the book is definitely one of the best sock books I have had the pleasure of reading.

I've been busy knitting side to side socks, and two scarves (one man's, one lady's) from Tilli Tomas Aspen. The lady's scarf is finished, and a photo will be posted as soon as the man's scarf is done. I think there are only 3 or 4 pattern repeats left in the man's scarf, and it will be ready for blocking.
It was certainly a shock to have SNOW on Sunday! Of course, I can't prove it as my camera was at the store, but it really did snow - and heavily - for about half an hour. And we also had hail, rain, thunder and lightening. It was quite the weather day.
Hope all is well with you. Take care and have a great week. maybe summer will come soon.